Orange lamp lighting up (with buzzer ringing)

There is an error in the device.
Please contact the construction company, construction contractor which you have purchased the product from or LIXIL repair center.


 Error detail 

「Beep―Beep sound」×4
Damage in control unit, reader or abnormality in built-in wiring inside the door.

「BeepーBeep Beep sound」×4
Upper electric thumb-turn/digital case lock is not installed properly or damaged.

「BeepーBeep Beep Beep sound」×4
Lower electric thumb-turn/digital case lock is not installed properly or damaged.

「BeepーBeep Beep、BeepーBeep Beep Beep sound 」×2
Both upper and lower electric thumb-turn/digital case lock is not installed properly or damaged.

「Beepー sound 」×4
Temporary error occurred in the reader.

「Beepー sound」×8
Temporary error occurred in the control unit.