How to check the version of application and door control program

Please update the application and door control program to the latest version before using the product.

Please refer to the method below the version table in order to check the version of application and control program.

Date of update iOS version Android version Door
control program
19.02.04 V1.0.4 V1.0.0 V1.6
19.07.02 V1.0.5 V1.0.1 V1.7
19.09.17 V1.0.2
19.10.10 V1.0.6
20.03.20 V1.0.7 V1.0.3 V1.8
20.06.03 V1.0.8 V1.0.4
20.07.21 V1.0.5
20.09.09 V1.0.6
20.10.09 V1.0.7
20.12.21 V1.0.8
21.03.01 V1.0.9 V1.0.9 V1.9
21.03.23 V1.1.0
21.05.24 V1.1.0 V1.10
21.07.02 V1.1.1
21.07.05 V1.1.2
21.09.27 V1.1.3
22.01.26 V1.1.1 V1.1.4
22.04.05 V1.1.2 V1.1.5 V1.60
22.08.08 V1.1.6
22.11.21 V1.1.3 V1.1.7
23.05.30 V1.2.1 V1.2.1 V2.1
23.08.08 V1.2.2
23.12.04 V1.2.3 V1.2.3 V2.2
24.08.07 V1.2.5 V1.2.4


"How to check application and door control program"

Application version can be found at the bottom of "≡Menu" column in "My Entrance" application.

App Version 1.png

When checking door control program, please go to "≡Menu" → "Digital lock settings"

and select the door that needs its control program checked. (Can only select the door when multiple doors are available)

App Version 2.png


After moving to "Digital lock setting" screen, current version will be displayed after tapping on "Update" command.

※The sentence "Digital lock firmware is the latest version" shown in the screen below refers to the newest version installed in the user's smartphone at the time.

The non-updated application might be different to the actual released latest version, so it is recommended to regularly update the application before using.

App Version 3.png